Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thinking de other way round

i was watching tv, suddenly my bro skipped to another channel showing something bout dolphin,

first i'm captured by the sight of so many dolphin, then i realised is not about how cute or charming it is,

the programme trying to bring out another fact that people usually neglected when comes to deal with dolphin

of different kind...

i cant believe my eyes when i saw that dolphin actually can attack people!?!

then these scientist trying to explain why those dolphins become aggresive toward people,

all sorts of explanation comes out, some saying that actually the dolphin was treating the people as if their

same kind and played a little rough with us, too bad we're not exactly same size as dolphin, so we cant bear

the impact when they push us with their tail or body....

n some even suggested that there're difference between those tame and wild dolphins.... if human really

wanted to be close to dolphin, they're best to do it with a trainer or someone professional around...

mostly people would think that it would be wonderful to swim or go near dolphins,

but less of them could imagine any other possible outcomes when they're in close contact with one of these

intelligent sea creature that having complex behavior...

i think of those that lived in aquarium or a closed centre, how they're limited in one place,

feeling like set them free to where they've belong,

but out there some of them could not survive with humans doing all sorts of destruction activity harming their

natural habitat and destroy their lovely playland...

whole thing was about what we actually sees maybe different from what it orginally was,

one couldn't predict those behaviour that brings what effects to us,

but we could do a little precaution steps, before the effects are worsen...

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