Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CNY holiday~

on CNY eve went to have reunion dinner at grandma hse, althou nt all gather together still hav de feel of warm of family happiness.. i always like tis kind o f ocassion where i'll be havin lot of good food to eat, many delicious dishes prepared by grandma n also my aunt..

on de first day of CNY we went to hav vegetarian at temple followed by visiting our nearby relatives..i was shocked to found out one of my cousin got invloved in accident before tat day, luckily juz injured outside, no inner injuries... he reli giv a shock to everyone leh~ hope he'll get well soon....then we left to our dad's fren hse to eat again, he cook somemore vegetarian for all of us, so we stayed there bout a few hours, listening to his interestin stories n some of his funny act least we din hav dinner tat day cuz eatin too much before tat makin me cant digest anymore..

on de second day we decided to went back to mommy's hometown at jerantut to pay my uncle n aunt a visit...on tat mornin we manage to watch de lion dance at my aunt home, which it would be better if more ppl come around, it would be merrier..then off we go to pahang..i also gt a chance to drive a distance before arriving....i think my skills are juz nt good enuf, for de ever first i gt scold pulak cuz cant handle de car right in place... hai yo yo need lot of prac jor...then finally reach there safely...lolx

juz upon reachin there we're invited to h av lunch...not long enuf i'm attacted to eat again, my fav tom yam...which i cant resist eatin it.. i consider tat to be my high tea ba... after tat dinner time jor, then eat again....still not enuf wa, super havin tom yam... i ate alot tat day..satisfied~

we also played some fireworks makin many smokes, big bangs, screamin....i think de kids are enjoyin it... s ome even gamble playin poker cards...many games around...

next day, i wake up quite late, after havin breakfast we played a while then go hav aride on de bike to get some air...its definitely nt cold was mornin so it was quite hot de...
we hav lunch at de restaurant, we waited quite long before we're served.... many of us wait till no patience edi till feel sleepy ....but it was quite full after tat lunch...dunno why, maybe de it was a hot afternoonm after havin lunch i feel vy sleepy tat i took my nap rite after i reach de hse..
after a good nap, its time to go home...goin to miss them so much, we said goodbye...

by de time we reach kl its edi nite time.... after drop by to hav dinner we pay visit to another uncle then only went back home... so tired but thinkin i wont always hav chance to do so, once in a year good enuf to me... i do appreciate it~

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