Saturday, February 21, 2009


i learned to play it since i was young,
i rmb my mother used to take us to practices every week,
n i vy grateful to de teachers who hav taught me, i hav only 3 of them,
even though after so long, i still rmb de way they taught me about music n theories...

since i've stopped de lesson, i seldom keep in touch wit it,
but still its my fav pastime to play on it...

dunno y...
i keep on playin de same old song,
which i only could remember de notes of tis song...
everytime i'm with a piano...
tis song wil be played by me..
but i din played it well...

i even try to record how i played...
i was amaze to myself...
for a moment only cuz tat kind of feelin din last long..
tat prove i'm still have to play it better..

oh ya...
de song is ..."夏の思い出"..."the summer's dream"
de title was in japanese, i hope translated it correctly..

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