Saturday, March 14, 2009

DICA - Romantic Dinner

today was another special day tat i waited so long..

althou it started wakin earlier, gettin to skool... seeing many other students..
it became extraordinary after u all reach my home tat moment..

i nvr tot my ji mui will arrive so early to my doorsteps...
honking at my front door...

it was rainin outside, all i can do is to invite u all in to my warm hse..

then began all stuff of urs plan,
i dun think all ends well, but still a lil satisfied,
we all started to go for our dinner as our stomach playin drum alredi..

everybody on car... yeah~
tis time hui drive all of us, a lil excited,
we start our journey...

along the journey, many things came up,
althou its a small journey it still worth a lot...
until u reach de hillside, still uncertain whether drive up de hill...
everybody insisted u shud giv it a try!

then started a funny situation... everyone tryin to persuade u can do it,
givin de confidence for u....we finaly arrived de top of our journey... excited + swt , but there's no parkin available...
hahax we still gt park it below not far...

oh de road is damn steep... hard to walk wit high heels,
luckily still gt a small stairs to climb up~

juz now afternoon was rainin wor, u think later will still rain ah?
luckily we choosed a place under roof, if not we'll hav to move table when its rain...
too bad cant sit de area near de view, wanna get amazed by de view from up to down...

then showed up a mommy cat, at first it was lepak around de table behind us,
then later it came around our table... too bad it some of us scare cat ah...
de cat cuz restlesness among us durin our dinner...
wat a little creature could cuz so many chaos..heheh

de rain luv us.... it didn't want to go after all...
it rained again when we're almost finishin our dinner..
in such cold weather...
u noe i'm da lan zhan ing edi...
but then thanks to my skin thick enuf to keep me warm ah...

everythin was ok, all of us eat till do full,
i reli lazy to move at all...
then de stupid cat came and sat near our table...
she reli find a cozy place to rest ah..
cause us reli wanna leave tat place asap..

too bad it was rainin, umbrella insufficient...
so wait there till we're saved out of rain n back to de car...
ah...suddenly saw ppl havin steamboat,
a warm idea... mayb nex time we shud try steamboat de...

n our dinner lasted..
we had dinner at de hillside,
we walked together under rain,
we laugh together,
or mayb screamin de same thing...

then only i realised we're bck to our home...
still feelin warm n cozy in our heart..

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