Wednesday, April 22, 2009

my 19th burfday

i gt my earlier burfday wishes from hui,
she bought me some malay cakes n cheese tart ... so sweet..
n i even had wishes from yen n fan happy they still rmb ah..
lolx...too bad cant meet together oftenly,
but time wont be de obstacle for our frenship..

n today my dad wishes me as i get up,
heheh even told me goin to buy cake at night...

at skool, i was even surprised by my frenz , where they done so many for me,
so grateful for them, goil thru many problems juz to make tis day special for me..
lolx... so touched n sweet...

de day at skool started wit nervous as i gt a presentation today,
i din expected they'll sang burfday song for me halfway thru,
it was awkward cuz i'm like no response,
i couldn't say anything but to continue my presentation lo..lolx

then after break suddenly US3 came in sang again burfday song..
plus pretending givin me a laptop as a gift,
hmmm if its real i'll be glad...lolx..
anyway its good enough they sang for me... oh so grateful..

then at lecture time, thx to mandy great idea puttin on a slide for me..
althou i was like a bit dunno wat to response,
but i still thanks for her, it reli surprised me a lot..

surprises lik never gonna end,
after lunch we're havin donuts as my burfday special..
all diff flavour, one for each of my fren..
hmm yummy..

lolx...they even brought me some present...
not to forget jia hui, kit min, wei yee n mei kuan...lolx
we went to bar.b.q...its our 1st time... lolx...

i even made a clip ...thx to all my fren...

juz like my fren told me ..

my last year havin my age start wit 1,

i'm no longer teenager, goin to be adult soon..

i'm still learnin to be better in life... so do everyone... 加油!

1 comment:

+d@ lif3 onli u @ m3+ said...

its damm touchin neh..~~
y tis nvr happen to me lerh.. @.@
hope u enjoy it la..~ ^^