Saturday, May 30, 2009

Skool Holiday~

yeah~ its skool holidae!!

lets see... yesterday we had Teacher's Day celebration at skool,
de celebration started out quite intrestin but de later part were juz okay nia..

there were quite some performances, partly singin quite a lot...
our claz performed choir, as it always be de same,
de song i'll remember you n i'll follow you,
i dunno how it turns out,
but we did our best...
i think tat would be de last choir performance,
we edi sing quite a lot of times... i mean sure everyone wanna focus on study..

when holiday comes,
in my mind oli think of sleepin whole day,
but tat wont work out anymore..
althou gt 2 weeks holiday..
but still part of it i'll be goin out somewhere..
tuition, outing, trainin n so on..

i'll make sure i do hav enuf rest...
a mission tat easiily accomplish...
happy holiday to all my frenz!


+d@ lif3 onli u @ m3+ said...

u got training meh???
wat also can forget~
juz nt to forget slp rite~
reli lazy chong leh~

KsY aka chong said...

heheh...sleep is vy important de leh...i think not goin for trainin,i dun wanna miss tuition oh~