Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Exp

lolx... considered that i gt a job workin at a english learnin centre as a assistant teacher..
mostly are preschool kids... nt easy to tackle them..
at first i so soft to them tat they dun scare at me...n then teacher have to be strict with students
so that they will listen to u..
kids ah...vy like to use crying as excuse not to do their works...
i wonder when i was small tat time do behave lik tat...

thinkin i'll be workin till late march....everyday except sunday.....
i think its lik goin skool juz tat no homework for me....hahax
i muz reli find somethin to fill up my time b4 de result comes out...
and also find out whether medicine is de course tat i wan...
aikz....think so much tat my white hair comin out,,,oh shoot......

never think of tat i would end up as a teacher....
teacher is somethin i respect so much..
i rather make myself as a big sister n teach those younger ones..
sometime it's so weird havin others calin me teacher....lolx...

giv me strength n are just so "cute"
they can be so many thing.....


Stephy. said...

let me try try if i have chance! wahaha..lolz

+d@ lif3 onli u @ m3+ said...

hahax...not bad wat.. shud be a good job for u since u so "patient" hahax...
yen will be more worst lo...
nit lots of "patient" d o.. hahax..
anyway.. shall have a try..
and i try tis every sat n sun.. hahax

KsY aka chong said...

yen n hui sure'll be better than me ah..
u all lik so good wit kids...
they sure luv u all de..lolz

+d@ lif3 onli u @ m3+ said...

thx god..
they will be lovely kena from me d.. haa~