Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy CNY!!!

YEAH!!!! 万岁!!

finalllllyy~ its CNY edi, lookin forward for this spring hols for a long long time,
cuz got one week off n can eat n play a lot too~
most of all got angpau oh... wakaka

de fav part is de reunion dinner, hehe plenty delicious dishes to eat eat eat...
hahax...n then go 拜年also can eat ...
hoho later i'll gain so much weight....

also lookin forward to meet out wit my frenz...wanted so m uch to visit them...
hope they'll be free by tat long din see them...
these days i'm just like livin in my own world, totally cut off interaction wit other ppl..
it sucks..

hols can spend time wit family is also a great idea...
cuz usually we're busy wit our own things seldom get together..
n as usual mom is not comin back, but she bought us some new clothe,
gonna miss her....i wonder when we'll celeb CNY de whole family together...
hope it'll b next year!! LOLX...

advice to all of my beloved,
drink more water , dun get sick on CNY ...hav fun n enjoy!!!

oh ya, happy valentine too all of u too!!

1 comment:

+d@ lif3 onli u @ m3+ said...

thx la~
u still rmb tis blog d o.. haha
nvm la..
guess ur mummy will come bek soon d k..
waiting u to intro her d lo...
like nvr seen her lo~