Thursday, May 20, 2010


sangat bertuah makan sampai kenyang kenyang~

lolx....thx to them have a grrreat evening....
ended in a full stomachie, just not yet burrrppp~~hahax

in a sunny day, i pay a visit to ma old fren's hse...
high high house, i still remember gud....

n then spend a thunder raining afternoon in her bedroom...
heheh, i can sit there whole day ler, so cozy n comfortable..
anything happen inside there would only i noe she noe..lolx...

n then our best aunty came in just in time pick us up...
to -----> 100 degree Celcius.

Ms Ko reserved~ funny ler..
we got our cool place,
afta settle n tis n tat... our food came...
oh i reli pei fu all of us, heheh simply finish almost everything oh~~

happy times always passes in a blink of eye,
so fast we hav to finish up everything ,
before tat can still hav a nice desert n sweet hut....

still nites like never end, but yet we hav to go back to our life ..
still we're in touch with each other for infinity times...

thx for de souvenir from redang,
can feel de beach wind and sand and heart for getting so cute souvenir.. is a special day too afta realising is 520 day,
for ma loved ones, have a gud nite sleep ~~

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