Friday, July 23, 2010


i was at library with my friends....

then i got this friend, so mad looking for a book,
and a bit frustrated due to some other reason,
so you can see he is on a bad mood...

then i went away to do something else,
when i came back to library,
i saw him on the phone, totally different,
looking so excited and happy at the same time...

just he hanged up the phone,
he said , i got the IMU scholarship !

we were liked stunned,
another friend of mine said it was amazing...

this scholarship is like for only 2 people ONLY,
and he is the one that get it ,
and after i heard about how he get into this,
it was like hard works finaly do pay off,

there we go, cant see him next month cuz he'll be going for IMU...

the thing is nothing in this world will come easy for us,
you have to work really really hard to get what you want,
sometimes chances given to us, we have to use it wisely...

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