Tuesday, July 6, 2010

First Day of Skool

erhem, i should have started yesterday, but due to some technical problems
i went to register myself to de office this morning,

tak dak dak dak, went to de faculty of medicine...
i was wondering anyone will be there at this early times, its just almost 8.30 am.

so i was lucky to see Miss Ng, telling her i'm  a newbie,
she quickly assist me into a class,
there i went in halfway thru,
makin a lilttle commotion back there,
ouh.....n i have to settle my mind,
glance thru de class, oh there is quite a lot of them too....
luckily the lecturer din say anythin, oh its so much paiseh~

so i hang on there till class finish,
then a nice fren told me a few things,
i was omg when i noe they have to in formal attire for lecture,
i'm de only one in jeans??!!

n so on someo briefing from a lecturer, bout a class postponed to next day,
some about the exams n so on...

later on go meet wiv cs, ask him some about de skool,
briefly get an idea wat is all goin on....
hahax, i'm still soo noob in tat skool...
cuz i miss out de orientation week ler~~

n its bout 2 hrs b4 i had to go another meeting wiv seniors at mph,
so i lepak here n there ler~~~

n i was so surprise we hav amazing race waiting for us~

i tot it was supposed to be somethin like voting for class rep, treasurer...

aiks, feel like not playin cuz need to run up n down doing funny thingy...

hahax, but in de end we still din finish all station,

thx to some seniors help us all along by giving tips n ideas..

in de end u noe we did wat,

dancing indian moves, thx to guideline from a superb dacing senior too ler~

tat was de punishment, but still is for everyone to enjoy ,

n there was slideshow,

ooh~  aah~  giggling ~ laughing ~claps ~ n cheers~

it was sort of a memories for de seniors,

enjoy it too, thx also for de refreshment, it was vy delicious malay delicacies...

tats ma day

first day in uni,

ooh i dunno folowing day will be like what???


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