Friday, August 29, 2008


yea.. long time no update edi.. i'm juz too lazy blaa blaa..alwiz same reason de..
let's see these days juz lik usual oni leh, skool, homework, tuition, tv...
but quite abnormal de its de weather, almost everyday also rain de, makes me doze off in class
easily leh, can focus at all, vy cold leh...almost natural air-cond..
yeah~ yesterday one of my fren burfday, we bought a cake for her leh, waa she feels so touchin
till cry out, oh hope she likes de cake n hav a wonderful eighteen burfday.. n tomorrow another burfday gal gonna celeb her burfday, too bad we cant hav it together, hope next time will hav tat great chance...lolx..
then these days we also practice singin choir in class, which is for de choir comp in conjunction
wit patriotic day... oh at first its was lik no spirit at all de, then later slowly improved a lot thankz
to our fren tat gives us vocal practices.. i'm so not good in it cuz everytime also lik not enuf breath de.. durin practice gt many funny things de leh, gt one time i reli cant stop laughin till
cant even sing de song...oh itz juz damn funny de...
n now its almoz towards de end of august, n september comin soon, it'll be fast i'll b busy wit
exam de loh... unlik my frenz havin their term break , cant wait to meet them, gatherin together
or even hang out.. heheh...


+d@ lif3 onli u @ m3+ said...

who's bezday is it..???
u also noe our term break soon orhx..
mine term break same as yen lerhx... ^^
v also will wait u finish exam.. if v could.. ^^
gd luck in ur exam ya.. ^^
hope to see u soon..

KsY aka chong said...

lolx...u say leh..
ah su xian burfday o..
haiz my exam at Oct ah..
no nid wait me de la..
i wanna meet all of u soon leh..
so miz fan fan n yen yen ah..
but not u ...qwakaka..