Friday, September 5, 2008

class choir

yesterday all lower six participated in a choir compettition leh..
i think tis is de 1st activity tat involved whole class... n its quite enjoy thru out de time
where we practice together n givin ideas how to make it better...althou juz a simple event but
everyone reli nervous tat time when waitin for our turn to go on stage..
n when started tat time we miss de corrrect time to enter de song so when firstly sing we got
a bit out of tune, but later tat we get back de flow of de song.. of cuz de next song tat we sang "voice of tomorrow" is much better than de previous song "setia".. i think we'll hav a better chance to win de althou there were also other class who also sang good n vy touchin also...
today our class even discuz wer to celebrate if reli win de big prize...everyone wer so excited wit
even start plannin edi...but de result oli wil come out on monday durin de assembley leh..
cant wait to noe de result...hahax..its de effort from everyone ah... i hope there will b even more
chance involve everyone to do somethin n enjoy together... lolx..


+d@ lif3 onli u @ m3+ said...

sound lik quite fun lerhx... ^^
v also seldom got competition lik tat..
anyway.. i also wif fan de group de... ^^
i also waited of monday's drama lerhx..
its started gan zheong edi.. tmr arhx.. hahax..
wish u can win ya.. ^^

KsY aka chong said...

rmb hav fun lor...
dun so nervous lah...
easy n steady lo..
hahahx..wish u all de best ya!!

Stephy. said...

jealous la like that the skol the way i enjoy mine de oso..haha

KsY aka chong said...

oh vy good..
everyone mux=z= enjoy wor..~