Tuesday, November 18, 2008

if i could go back to de past..

i rmb few days ago,
i was on de phone wit my mom,
it was unusual to hav her call lately, then i found out it was technical problems..
she cant reach us eventhough she tried many times...
at de same time we're also wondering why she wouldn't call..
but glad to hear her voice,
despitae that she told that she gonna delay her returnin,
ok i was suppose to expect that, so its juz fine wit me but still,
somewher deep inside i heard myself sayin, y tis happens always...
i noe tats nt good but still i cant stop thinkin it..
okay outta my head..

then we continue ,
she told me she was havin holidae n spendin her time at de buddhist hall helpin out,
i was gonna tell tat was a good way to spend her time by doing charity,
but i'm certainly expressed it in a misunderstood way,
i'm sure somehow i hurt her feeling a little...

how i wish i could turn back in time n muttered out de correct words..
nonetheless i would nt given tat chance for doing so..

even thou i've tried to re-explain it in a better way,
still i've made a stupid mistake..

juz like i slept in a wrong position n sprained my neck,
it was aching even thou i've turned my head upside down,
somehow is still ache a bit,
de feeling's doesnt sound good at all...
if tat night i sleep well-positioned i wont hav tis trouble,
there isn't any time machine rite??

NO learn from mistake...thing bfore act or sayin anythin~

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