Sunday, November 16, 2008

special moments for everyone i knew~

last saturday an outing wit frenz..

it has been quite a time since 4 of us haven been reli hangin out wit each other..
oh y its so hard to even gather around leh...
cuz diff life, n diff schedule ... but still we can make up to tat..
cuz we still havin tat special connection btw us..

oh vy paiseh leh, after tution i went to hav lunch wit shung shu n mandy,
but then i was late to meet up wit them...
so sorry havin them to wait 4 me..
if i said i purposely be slow they sure tear me to pieces w/o a word~
lolx... nvm act we still hav quite some time to hav fun at PS shop b4 our movie..
i nvr expect it to b so fast...cuz 3 lady excluded me..usually are particular in
makin it perfect.. so its unsually fast when they're done..
oh good, they can even get their own shots usin camera.. 1-2-3...pose~

[ there goes four of us fan, me, yen n hui ]

[ fan fan n also yen yen wa~]

then we went for movie which its about a vampire who admired u~
lolx..althou there's a few part quite scary when it appears suddenly...
overall its gt a lil funny de leh... but dunno y ah tat hui ah lik to hid under her jacket de wor...
so i purposely pulled it down ~ wahaha
if nt she wont see de whole part of movie de leh...
but i also gt scared by de screamin of 2 gals from my back... its obviously they ar makin
fun of it..

half day ended as we're headin home then...
so good they could walk me to de lrt leh...althou de sun is lik burnin...
but thx to them for their accompany... makes me even warm~
hahaha...gonna melt tim de ah...
cuz vy touched wa~

lolx... lookin forward to nex time , of course wit better place n time...

Then it was exam week

i think we're de last skool havin exam so late..
its a week before holidae...
i was totally no mood in study, de whole week my neighbour havin renovation,
i cant study at home durin daytime.. its so noisy... my ears cant stand any longer...
dunno how many times cursin them...i wish they could stop..
n then my dad fell sick for a few dayz..
its was so worryin to see him fall sick...
n i ended up goin to skool by bus early in mornin...
it was scary walkin alone to skool... i keep on thinkin tat wat if some stalker come out
from no where... i get panic easily whenever a stranger walks by even a motorist..
as soon i reach de bus stop i'll juz use my fastest speed to get to skool..
oh good...wat a pleasant exercise makin me sweatin...
n then our class move to fourth was damn tirin walkin up de stairs...
like never ends to me climbin up de staircase...
overall de exams ar still okay...
waitin de results to post to my hse...
wish i could hav better results.... pray hard~~

then there was shungshu n mei seen burfday in btw exam day on tuesday..
we're lucky to hav 2 frenz havin same burfday..
so we're tot givin a small surprise for them after skool...
we got to brought a cake n some drinks n hav it in classroom..
althou its juz few of us, but its great to hav frenz celeb together...
it's small but meaningfull..

later on saturday...

so de burfday gal decided to hav her belated burfday celebration...
initially goin sing k... but duno how turns out to hav movie instead..
n nvr expected tat day could hav met her relatives shop openin ceremony....
althou being invited but we juz flee away havin our own programmes...
thx to ying xin treatin us before went to hav movie....
Quantum of solace...007... some recommended it was good to watch..
while some said it was quite boring...
lucky for me, i manage to get wats all bout even i din watch de previous...
n its quite amused me of de high tech used inside de movie...

later tat we went on shoppin around for her present...
after here n there, she finnaly gt to choose de right wan...hahax
too bad i hav to left earlier...
but still wish she enjoy tat outing ...

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