Sunday, April 11, 2010

i love you

i swear i heard it so clearly, she said to me ....

but i was so coward didn't even reply my love for her, but ended with a simple goodnight.

i was on the phone talking to my mum,
i didn't expect her to call at that time, its her workin hour,
i was quite not in good mood,
plus when she talks about my brothers thing i feel so stress just thinking about it..
i know she worry my brother's future, i'm also worrying too...

i know i kept silence all the while,
there was even pause between us, i felt even worse to continue this conversation...
i don't want to being disrespect to her, i push myself to say,
but it still wont work, i feel sooooo useless...

finally she said she got work, i feel so sorry didn't manage to talk anything with her..
but is better to end the conversation because it makes me so guilty...

so she wish me goodnight and say i love you..
foolish me cant even have the guts to say i love you too~
i wish to tell her too, i wish i wish she know i love her too...

so sad, heartache, so sorry , i should have say it.....sooo regret now...

i screwed up our relationship!


Stephy. said...

aiks what to do...i am staying with her and u r far apart from her. but den why still will i dun even gt the mood to tell her anythg. its like getting serious not like b4 anymore i can sense it..the thought of living getting deeper and deeper.

KsY aka chong said...

someday leaving will happen....but before tat hope everything could back to normal, if not leaving is another type of escaping from what the problem is...